Why is pain in knees: causes, what you can do

Why hurt your knees

Kulinoto Bolek e-mail widely rasprostranena from CHILDREN honking of the problems in taloto – poiata of the explosion of slobovia, or at the very solimeno optowave of the ideas noze.

Tesco's, the Nada one, with the nikogas not Dogileva units, kolenati, in the okeden period, the od zivotot. Nepriatnost with klicove, or units of a different degree, in the Kulinoto slobovia CE poebyvat of the day vozrasni, and in December, a parade of many reasons. You will posturite be passed stanova the context of the e pogolema vertot, for peava to block bolesti, PRV to the development of the e units in the Kalinata. The egg, the doli at the age osobennosti of the teleto: sabanova of the metabolite Procesi, CE nosed the ' skavica to pristupove of the other problems with the musculoskeletal system, sadovi, the service.

The parade komplicerade of the anatomy, the structure and the long structure of the Dogileva Golem nocivos, and in honor of overloads, kolenati slobovia that's a lot of ranlife. A win for the state of the ARMS, the beat, the structure element is, for example, bursal, dovedova to the detriment of the motornet funkcia at Kulinoto and sredstvenno, Bolek syndrome. Ligamentina, and the menisci of the council of Europe's assessment of naramowice, a tie Xie povremeni in 80-85% of the slocate.

The anatomska, the structure of the Kulinoto

The anatomical structure of the knee

Kulinoto CE p of the knee-zaednicki of the distal Kraut in Badrinath koska and podmienkami the two condyles, tibial Koski, muscule, Nervi, krvni sudovi, ligamentitis, patella (zabivaut in kolenati), zaednicki torbi, and the menisci.

Kolenati, zaednicki e Edna od glavnica slobovia on teleto. The vrot choice of Badrinath koska. The globnet povrsina on lateralnoj (nadvoresna), and medial (vnatreshni) artikulieren of the condyles by the patella and the tibia. Meniscus in the e-mail surse Divo, ' revisite serves as a amortizer in zaednicki. YOU blagodarim, e-mail racjonalna distribucia corporal tejina on the tibial plateau, and the Shalamova zaednicki of stability in the future. Tenok, Dono-brow, paliperidonesee of the other musculi sinhroniziruete capsular-ligamentous structure of the obezbeduvawe of the Motory activity of the Kulinoto zaednicki.

An element of the Kulinoto CE povrzani with pavee ligamentina. Vnutrennost the zaednicki postout of two cruciate ligaments of the back, and napred. Podmyshalsky bedernau Koski se povrzani with the Koski colaterales tibia and fibular ligaments. The vertical popliteal a ligament CE New in zagnit cases in Bursa on the Kulinoto zaednicki. The Golem bro in zaednicki suplini lachat glavnata sinovialnaja a capsule komunikacia the zaednicki. The snabduvawe with the EOC of the elementi at Kulinoto and the ASPIRATION that you in mrezha krvni sudovi, and innervation – nervni vlakna.

The reason for Bolek in the knee

Postout are a lot of reasons for Bolek at Kulinoto slobovia that the mogat Be bidat podeljeni in the nekolku of a groupie.

Traumatici lesie in the Kulinoto of the elementi:

  1. Kulinoto of the damage. As the results of the ruptura of the cronite sadovi CE AVEVA lokalno crarae in Makoto wild in zaednicki. They have a crinela, Swelling, statuae of the dovedova to Bolek, escotia of the degee.
  2. Closen, or a Dalaman prekin to ligamentina. Honor CE diagnosticare delanno Narusova of the integriteta of the vnatresna page, the ligaments, which preislerova of the premodern eversion of the tibia Nandor.

Nadvoreshni ligament e rastignac pomalku od That the vnatreshni. The egg is doli of the selnate otstarve on the tibia con unatra, with the izlozeni noze, for example. The Cruciate ligaments, the neminovno CE pridruzeni with a hemarthrosis.

A complete rupture of the reporting date ligamentina an honor to pridruzene the statuae in zaednicki capsule, kinee on the vatreshnite meniscus. On this to the detriment of the dovedova premodern mobilnost in the Kulinoto zaednicki, pridruzen the silna Bolek, intensitet on the BACK, depending on the od of the Stepinac preqin.

    Hemarthrosis of the knee joint
  1. Hemarthrosis of the Kulinoto zaednicki islewoth of the EOC in the zaednicite praznina. Ponekogas traumatize, and non-traumatic prirodata. Traumatic hemarthrosis ASPIRATION slucuva when the meniscus rupture, celosno, or a complete rupture of the ligamentina, intra-glabrata fractures, contusions of the Kulinoto regional. Non-traumatic Optia an Eden of simptomele of bolesta's karakterisere by shaleena nestabilnost of vasculara idove or impairment of the coagulation kruta systems. These vkluchaut hemophilia, scurvy, teski the establishment of a hemoragic diathesis. Acumulare in the zaednicite praznina oblohy of the EOC, tkivo, premetowe the circularity kruta, in the cornfields. Poseben pigment – hemosiderin – negative vliianie the ligamentina, hyaline, ' skawica, sinovialnaja a bag in the dovedova to Hubei to nivnata elastichnost. The result of a hit on globnet Bursa by e a Swelling of the svoice vlakna, and solimano production of zaednicki tecnost. The results of the repeat krvave stanova degeneratia and zaednicki unistuse.
  2. Kulinoto miniscope – a integriteta of the damage to the menisci of the Kulinoto zaednicki. In the site form, e-mail Osteen nadvoreshni meniscus, where medial vnatreshni. The egg e Edna on najestic, but Tesco and that diagnosticare damage to the Kulinoto zaednicki. Izlozeni the rizik for bolest do this yourself sportisti, which is intenzivno the vklucheno in the atmosphere, but it isto Taka, and obecnice lue. Meniscus solza Mauger Yes se HAPP from the nenden neobychen digee when wrtie in taloto, izlozeni noze, a very strong influence on the Kulinoto.
  3. Patellar luxation – abnormale Zapatrina of the patella. Dream email diagnostician is not in the powee of the 0.7% of a ml of the total dislokacija. Honor CE slucuva dislokatsii the nadvoreshni, Ratko vnatreshni, a lot of Ratko vertikalna or torsional. In the slouch of the nezelene dislokatsii of the patella and the ASPIRATION tvrdava VRZ lateralnoj (nadvoresna) condyles, dodeca tseliot outside of the lateral condyle.
  4. Zatvoreni or otvoreni fracture of the Kulinoto zaednicki, goriot is Working on the nogata Koski, or the ponitac division bedernau Koski. Taqui damage and the ASPIRATION to honor kombinazia with lesie on MAKITA wild on kolenati, predizvici the masovni cravea, premodern degee in Kulinoto regional, negovata deformatia.

Vospalitelno-and degenerative-dystrophic bolesti a globnet of the elements of the Kulinoto:

  1. Artritis – an inflammation of the Kulinoto zaednicki. Easy in comparison of the mechanisam of the razve on the patologia Subeliani in the disease, ankylosis spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, gicht (on a caloric intake of urate in slobovia).
  2. Osteoarthritis (gonarthrosis) with statuae in the Kulinoto zaednicki the vospalitelno prirodata that Vliet sieve structure and its water content seriozni degenerative promeni.
  3. Bursitis inflammation of the Bursa at the sinovialnaja dovedova to districts with the passage of time in the flexion-prodoljenie Digia in Kulinoto.
  4. Periarthritis of the titivate of kolenati – a bit of a capsulata of the goose the foot, kolenati, titivate and Musculine, and ligamentitis about zaednicki. Bolkata AVEVA nachisto CE CE CE dodeca sustai on the beach, especially with the teak product, and the CE focuser on the vnatresna povrsina of Kulinoto.
  5. The chondropathy patella , degenerative necrotic promeni at globnet ' skavica (zagnit) povrsinama of the patella. Stepinac to the unistuse Mauger To sink od razlicni the white grabovi To amakna on the Palatine, and the zavrsi triee.
  6. Chondromatous
  7. Chondromatous e-mail due to the chronicity bolest predision from dysplastic processes in ostrovche regeneratsia the loznicata the zaednicki a new plantation, in the Rivista of the gondrom. That e-mail iskljucena posebna ossification in the cartilaginous bodies.
  8. A Baker's cyst – formerie in a press elastica, sablani masite tumor in the popliteal fosa, with the ASPIRATION a New a protivnaja the country of the patella. The cyst of e asno widlife in the unbent sostoa at Kulinoto. Predizvicite nepriatnost, Bolek, in the popliteal regional. The znachitelno the Namalwa galement a sadovi and Nervi, in the dovedova to arusuvai of innervation, and the circularity kruta.
  9. Goff bolesta – bolest pridruzeni unistuse and ponata degeneratia on manoto Divo CE New about Kulinoto zaednicki. The pinching, or other damage to the masonite cells – adipocytes – kr replacement by dense fibrous wild. The Kroot, baffert funkcia of the "suit pernica" e srsen, a lot of masni wild mill it is not at moznost, and that the izvrsi ulogata amortizer.
  10. Bolest Osgood–Schlatter – bolest, Koa's karakterisere with necrosis lumpy Running from the tibia. Diagnostician in adolescents from 10 to 18 years of age who are CE vklucheno in the sportot. Below the patella CE paavola bolney Gruda in the odsustvo the tretman dovedova to ogranicava a degee in nogata, or total immobilization, and a neuromast of a Musculine.

Bolesti, in which e may be tracheata of the units in the Kulinoto district:

  1. Coxarthrosis hip – chronicity to the detriment of CALCOT zaednicki, pridruzeni with a progressive degeneracy and degenerative promeni it. The honor bolkata CE protege nadolo for the nadvoresna povrsina to Badrinath koska on to the knee or hem.
  2. Neuropatia of the sciatic nerve is the no – vospalitelno lesie of the service, the results of the compresia the compresia or spazmirovannah cronite sadovi. In this nervni the fee for the nozet, the pocetok in the lumbar regional, and minowa at the bottom of the tailbone, and carlitta. A blockage in the Koa won the point zaedno dovedova to arusuvai for senzatia or pulserate Bolek.
  3. Fibromyalgia – an-globata to the detriment of the Meca wild, non-vospalitelno prirodata from culinate for simptomi, the shto with arthralgia, muscula slabost, depresia, ITN.

Some sistemski bolesti, in the dovedova to the units in the Kalinata:

  1. Osteoporosisa e balest of skeletno systems, and the chronicity progresive CE of the hearing, the other way is to Mineralni sostavit and sustinuta in kockice. "Otmivanie" calcium from koskie dovedova to nivnata nestabilnost. Proceset e pridruzene with the Bolek Bolek, or in extremitatea.
  2. Tuberculosa of the Koski. Tuberculous lesie from the field to the kockice dovedova to the postoina silna Bolek.
  3. Osteomyelitis of the e balest of the zarazni-vospalitelno prirodata that Vliet screen strukturni of the elements of the kockice. Resultatet on the day of the specificni, kako shto se tuberculosa, and nespecificski honor of coccal, osteomyelitis of the stanuva have a Crvena in the kojata, Swelling, lokalni baulk in the drizzle fog kosice and Musculine, febrile fever.
  4. Some zarazni bolesti. When Reiter's syndrome, in an apartment on the vklucheno in the urogenital Batista and ocete, vlie of slobovia. Edna from manifestacija for Lyme disease an arthralgia.

Vidovi of the units in the Kalinata

In the zavisnost od etiologia, prirodata and intensityit of bolkata Mauger To the sink different.

    Types of pain in the knees
  • Bolek. Arthritis, osteoarthritis.
  • Luto, silna. A fracture of an element of the Kulinoto of the ligament rupture, acute bursitis, kolenati of the damage, Vlasova in the miniscope, deforming disease.
  • Macna. When the ASPIRATION work, deforming arthrosis, meniscus Dream.
  • Environment. Osteomyelitis.
  • Glupavo. With bursitis, chronic Legg.
  • Gori. When compresia of the sciatic nerve, tuberculous process in Kolkata.
  • Snimae. The pinching nervously at the facility.
  • Bolek, when Odie. When Baker's cyst, bursitis, is the arthritis, gonarthrosis, periarthritis.
  • Bolkata him. Hicht, with arthritis.

The diagnosis of a pathology predizvicite of the units in the Kalinata

Fizikalna ispit:

  • med Historia, and the galbi;
  • vizuelno ispituje with palpation of the Kulinoto.

Laboratorijski testovi:

  • biochemisty and Klinicki aspetova kruta;
  • serology aspetova kruta;
  • imunology analysis of the krvt;
  • reumatologi at the Primerose;
  • bacteriological analysis sinovialnaja tecnost.

Invasive instrumentalni methods:

  • arthroscopist;
  • punkcie in zaednicki a capsule;
  • a needle biopsy of the koska.

A non-invasive diagnostice:

  • radiografia the Kulinoto zaednicki;
  • densitometry;
  • echo pregledu zaednicki;
  • The MRI or CT Skene.

Tretman of Bolek in the knee

If you bolkata in Edna, or the date of the knee and non-traumatic nature of paava, need to the first-odat a therapist, CA, VRZ Osnova in the pacientu galbi, and rezultati the ispit CE ispretty to a specialist – orthopedist, rheumatologist, neurologist, or a phlebologist. In sekoe knee hurts, singing the theme to Maura, Yes, kontaktiert lekaru, or a traumatologist-orthopedist.

In the treatment of pain in the knee

Tretman, in the SECO slouch is different, and it depends on the prekinuta of bolcato, or harm, or sexual abuse. For the secoa bolest in some of their tretman mode. But pacientu first you need to to nabuwwat nekolku Opsti rules:

  • znachitelno mamalove on the framereate of the odee, and all of the noze in the tikot to denot;
  • sportisti privremeno to obnovovani, and she said that it is not from obokata and the obecnice lue of the trcae or skokie;
  • when solimena Bolek celosno, and she said that it is not the predloziti, se stavi in the zakluchenie in the Kulinoto the elasticy Zawoja;
  • nosed Golem Zahrada, or the plaster is To immobilize Kulinoto zaednicki;
  • when there a good place to Dream slozenost.

Rheumatoid, psoriatic arthritis and sistemski autoimmune sabolova, in a serious seek out of the septate tretman for a nekolku of the period. Basically, terapia CE p of the immunosuppressive hearse, nonsteroidal anti-vospalitelno-and hormonally medicine line, gold, preparati, etc.

In the tretment of bursitis koristi analgesic and anti-inflamatory medicine line. If you are waiting for the evidence, infectia, and that's only on antibiotice. Terapeutici punkcie of the Kyoshi izoduwa for himself to recuse visoko on the TechNet from sinovialnaja praznina and/or administracia of corticosteroidi. The chronic inflammation of the Bursa eyeliner, and that oslobodi od chirurgii – hirarki bunion chirurgia.

When deforming osteoarthritis, efektivni intra-glabrata injectii of the corticosteroidi, continue to use it for Drifting, and chondroprotectors. For balcatta for lokalno nivo the nomination of the CE Namalwa with Dimexidum, or bischofite, and galavi cream is an anti-vospalitelno Akzia. Eyeliner a massage, fisioterapia, terapeutici the environment. Teshka lesie in the Kulinoto the chirurgia – arthroplasty for colcot.

Tretman of the disease, e da se zeme biphosphonate calcitonin, calcium, vitamin D, ITN.

Tretman meniscus solza Mauger You are a conservative or hirarki. Konzervativna terapija CE p the use of analgetic, Float, healozone kiselina, chondroprotectors. However, you presledovat it will namestite zaednicki.

Vidovi a hirarchy interventsia:

  • meniscectomy;
  • in part (alumni) meniscectomy;
  • transplantatie meniscus;
  • arthroscopist;
  • arthroscopic savovi fascinat meniscus.

In the SECO slouch, to the detriment of the Kulinoto in the tretman of a very important period of time for the rehabilitatio, Koa treba da se odvija under the supervision of the strips to be used by a physical therapist or a podiatrist. Lekaru night on the topic to go directly to the best obnovovani the zaednicki funkcia. Glavnica methods of postoperative rehabilitatsia of the council of Europe's assessment of the massages and medical gymnastics. Isto Taka efektivni watches posebni simulatori, gradually razviva the Kulinoto zaednicki.